Samstag, 23. Juli 2011

Lectures - Even on saturday!

At 9:00 a.m. we arrived at the Kozminski University.Kozminski is an internationally renowned private business school - one of the best in Poland and even in the world! The university is the only one in Poland which is EQUIS accredited.
First of all we visited the university. After that we had a lecture - "Cross Cultural Management". The first part of the lecture was a review of the basics - Hofstede, Strodtbeck/Kluckhohn, Ethnocentrism, etc.
After that we get an insight how Communism influenced the culture.

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Memorial
In the afternoon we had a guided tour through Warsaw.
First we visited the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Memorial - the place where the German Chancellor Willy Brandt felt down on his knees (the famous "Warschauer Kniefall").
Royal Baths Park
After that we went to the Royal Baths Park which has an area of approx. 80 hectares. Many peacocks live in this park.

 Finally we walked through the Old Town of Warsaw called Stare Miasto. We also saw the house where Marie Curie was born.
Stare Miasto

Marie Curie

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